What's On
Whakaaturanga o Tēnei Wā & Hanake
Current & Upcoming Exhibitions
Whakaaturanga o Mua
Past Exhibitions
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Te Mōteatea a Maumahara
August 9 — November 23
“Kitea ai te pounamu i ō tātau wai. He rokoā te wai, waihoki, he mea tuku iho; ahakoa te nui o te pō, o te ao rānei; he pounamu tou, ka tū tou te whakapapa.”
“All pounamu is found in our waters. The waters are healing that transcends through the generations; it does not matter the percentage of dark nor light; it is still pounamu our whakapapa remains.”
Dr Alvina Edwards, 2018.