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Māori dedicated
Public Art Gallery
Showing 7 Dec - 31 March: Toka Tū
Toka Tū: Artist + Curator Talks
December 6, 10:30 - 11:45
Toka Tū: Artist + Curator Talks. Facilitated by Curator: Margaret Aull
Toka Tū
December 6 — March 30
Celebrating Strength and Resilience in Mahi Toi
Te Pou Tāhuhu a Kūkupa
Tohunga whakairo/carver: Chris Bailey 2022
Timber: Totara, stained
The name: Pou tāhuhu are posts which support the ridge pole of a wharenui (meeting house). Kūkupa is an important tupuna (ancestor) for Te Parawhau.